Photography by Jim Doty

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More Links

Most of my favorite photography links are on the LINKS page. More of my favorite are here. Most of them are not directly related to photography, but you should find many of them useful. These are external links (except for links to informational articles on my own site). Be sure and bookmark this site so you can find your way back.


There a a lot of photography lessons in the TIPS section and the DIGITAL sections at my own site.

Janee's Photoshop Tutorials

Luminous Landscape You can learn a lot about photography by going through Michael Reichmann's site. A go here at least once a week to find out what's new.

Roger N. Clark and Norman Koren are photogrpahers who have excellent (and at times quite technical) photographic information at their respective sites.

NYIP The New York Institute of Photography has lots of free lessons and information.

Short Courses Dennis Curtin has written a number of "Short Course" digital photography books, including guides for popular digital cameras. Some of these books are online with the complete text. There are also a number of free readable and printable pocket guides, some in downloadable pdf format.


BBC News

Find a Great Mechanic From the folks at Car Talk.

Free Translation Online language translation

Google My favorite search engine.

Google About All about this amazing website

Google News News from many sources

Google Search Features Look up: phone numbers, stock quotes, airline flight information, owrd definitions; find street maps; do math calculations and more from Google's search box

Google Translate Language translation

GPS Info GPS Information
Besides flaming each other, the sites just above and below both have good GPS information.
GPS Nuts GPS information

Infospace Look up names, phone numbers, and addresses.

InterTran Online language translation (more languages than most sites).

Mapquest Get maps and point to point driving directions. Check out urban legends. Medical information.

Yahoo Mail My favorite, free e-mail service.

Yahoo Travel Book flights, motels cars and more.


Aurora Space Cam Aurora from space, updated every 10 minutes.

Earth Observatory From NASA.

Earth View The earth from space. The day-night line is set for the time you link to the site, but you can change the location, the day and the time of your choice.

Earth at Night from space

Maps Univ of Texas Library map collection (most are in the public domain)

Official US Time settable by time zone

Sky Maps Free, monthly, downloadable maps of the night sky.

Space Weather What's Up In Space.

Terra Server Satellite images of the earth from space.

Time and Date Clocks, calendars and more

US Naval Observatory Sunrise, sunset, eclipses and more

Your Sky An interactive, online planetarium. Produce sky maps from the time, date, and location of your choice.


ARIN Do a "whois" search for numeric IP addresses (i.e. like

Broadband Reports Test the speed of your computer's broadband internet connection.

Broadband Tools Improve your internet connection

Cnet Computer information, reviews, news, and downloadable software.

Eos Development Wed development site. There are some free backgrounds, borders, buttons and other graphics for home and non-commercial site use. Check out the photography links.

FlashKit Help with Macromedia Flash

IANA Root Zone "who is" information.

Inkjet Solutions One of the few sources for Mitsui Gold CDs. Why use gold CD-R's? Read my article about CD-R Discs and  digital storage.

Hoaxbusters Internet hoaxes, false virus warnings, urban legends and more from a US Govt website.

ImageMatics Create slide shows that pan and zoom across images

Lavasoft Download Ad-Aware, free Spyware (scumware) detection software that will find "parasites" on your computer that are not detected by virus scanning software. Update: See Spybot below for another and possibly better option.

Link Machine Links to a little of everything

Mozilla Get Firefox, a better, faster, and safer web browser.

Phong Photoshop tutorials

Shields Up Test the security of your computer and see if your firewall is working.

SmoothShow Excellent presentation software for digital slide shows for only $49.95 (as of Nov. 2002).  I use it and love it. Tell Bruce I sent you.

Spam Abuse Fight spam on the internet (unwanted e-mail, not the food).

Spybot Download this free program to get rid of spyware and "parasites" on your computer with Spybot. The Cnet review says this program is better than Ad-Aware, and it is also FREE.

Tom's Hardware Excellent computer hardware information.

Virus Alerts from McAfee.

Virus Myths from Vmyths.

Virus Threats from Symantec.

Virus Warnings both real and hoaxes from the folks at Click on "Computer Viruses" under "Top Categories"

Worth1000 Photoshop tutorials

Zone Labs Download Zone Alarm, a free and effective firewall for your computer.

100 Web Hosts A list of free or inexpensive web site hosts. For my favorite web host, click on the DREAMHOST icon at the bottom of the page and please tell them "PHOTOFAN" referred you. Read my article on Building Your Own Website.

November 24, 2002
Updated April 28, 2020

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