Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington. Photo © Jim Doty, Jr.
Ruby Beach is one of the most famous locations in Olympic National Park. Lots of professional photographers have published photos of the "Sea Stacks" (blocks of
erosion-resistant rock standing out in the water). Most of the "classic" photos have been taken at sunset, but I have seen beautiful photos taken at other times of day.
Don't be surprised if you are there on a cloudy/misty/rainy day. Locations on the west side of the park can average 140-167 inches of precipitation per year. More
about the weather here. I had hoped for a bit of sun and a nice sunset but it was a rainy day. The rain did let up to a light, occasional mist while I was there and it turned back to rain as I was leaving.
Ruby Beach is well marked on U.S. 101 on the west side of the park. This photo was taken from the short downhill trail from the parking lot to the beach.
You can learn about Olympic National Park at the NPS web site.
Data: Canon 5D, Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L lens at 55mm. ISO: 100. Aperture: f/11. Shutter: 1/80 second.
Created July 16, 2007