Assignments and Information for March 5-11, 2001
We looked at the video PHOTOGRAPHER'S EYE. I will return this to the Portage Library on Wednesday.
If you missed class (or want to see it again) I recommend you check it out and look at it. It is a fascinating and at times humorous look at two very different photographic styles and philosophies.
We did a slide review of photographic filters.
We also looked at how to do "slide sandwiches." More on this later.
Pick out your best one or two photos of Janae and Kea from our class portrait shoot and have 5x7 prints made so I can give them to our models.
Bring some of the proofs from our model shoot that you would like to discuss in terms of what went right and wrong.
Next week we will do architectural photography or landscape photography. We will do "ghost" photography
in class next week. Bring your camera gear and wear medium to dark toned clothing.