There is a handy program that calculates depth of field for those of you that have Palm, Visor, or other handheld computers using the Palm operating system.
The program is called Focus+.
There are three parts to the program. One is the Hyperfocal program. You enter the lens of your choice and it gives you the hyperfocal distance for each aperture on the lens. You can even choose the circle of confusion you prefer.
The Depth of Field program allows you to enter the lens and focusing distance and the program will give you the near and far limits of the depth of field.
The third program is Calculator. You select the lens and the near and far points you want in focus. The program will calculate the appropriate focusing distance and the necessary lens aperture.
You can download Focus+. After a trial period, you will need to pay a one time registration fee of $14.95 USD (price is as of the day this page was written) to continue to use the