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Class Handouts


The extensive set of handouts from my photography classes at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts is now available through this web site. These handouts fill a 1 1/2 inch three ring binder, or you can put them in file folders. (A binder with labelled tab dividers is my personal preference.)

You will get the two dozen handouts I have written (around 100 pages), plus a lot of additional photo information I have gathered over the years. All of this comes in plain black and white text. No binder. No photographs. No fancy type.  Just individually stapled articles. The handouts are the same kind of information that I post on this site.  Most of these are at a basic to intermediate level. If you are a photographic master, you don't need my handouts. In some cases, the handout on a topic includes some book recommendations for further study. Many of these book recommendations are at this site.

So why get the handouts?

  • You will save you the time of having to go online when you want to look something up.
  • You will save you the time of downloading and printing the handouts I have posted here. (They are copyrighted. You make make one copy for your own use but do not make copies for others.)
  • You will have all of the handouts I have not yet posted online.
  • Some of the printed handouts are
  • more extensive than the online version.
  • You will help support the cost of maintaining this site (for which I give you my thanks). 
  • You will get priority answers to photo questions. Due to the increasing volume of e-mail questions, I am no longer able to answer them all. If you buy my handouts, you go to the top of the list when I sit down to answer questions.

If you like what you read at this site and would prefer to have it in a simple printed form, then a set of my class handouts may be just what you want.

More class information, along with the class outlines and suggestions for using these handouts, are linked from my KIA page.


Want to "sign up" for my class?  The complete collection of handouts is $20, shipping included. Write to me here for the address to send your check or money order to.

March 7, 2003

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