Colorado Winter |
The Spanish Peaks and LaVeta Colorado at dusk |
Melissa and I were headed home from the Colorado high country. At Alamosa we took US 160 to head east towards I-25. The sun set and it was getting darker as we
crossed LaVeta Pass. It was a beautiful evening and toasty warm inside the car. The lights were coming on as we came upon the little town of LaVeta. The Spanish Peaks were catching the last bit of sky glow before dark.
I stopped the car, set up my tripod and took several pictures with two camera bodies on two different kinds of slide film. It was windy and bitter cold. Exposure times were running 30 seconds and longer. I used my body
to block the wind from the tripod as best I could. My fingers grew numb and I could hardly work the camera controls by the time I was finished. The picture posted here was taken on Fuji Velvia. |
June 14, 2000 Updated Aug 20, 2002 |