Wilderness photographer Galen Rowell and his wife Barbara died in a plane crash early Sunday morning, August 11 near their home in
Bishop California.
Galen's writing and photography had a significant influence on my own development as a photographer. When I decided I really wanted to
improve my photography, his book Mountain Light
was one of the most helpful. I have recommended it for years to my students at the Art Institute, and more recently on this web site.
Each month I would look forward to his column in Outdoor Photographer magazine, and I enjoyed his work as it appeared in National
Geographic and other publications.
Galen was a purist in his work. No double exposures, no digital manipulation to add or subtract from his images. He wanted
absolute trust in his body of photographic work.
What you see in his prints and books is what he saw through the effort he made to be where he was at, and to capture part of the scene with his remarkable photographic vision.
Several of his images are among my most favorite. If you are not acquainted with his splendid photography, go to his web site at
MountainLight.com and look through the galleries.
This is a tragedy for the family and a serious loss for the world of outdoor photography. They will be missed. It is a sad day. We are
blessed that they left behind such a remarkable photographic legacy.
I had always hoped to meet Galen some day, either at his gallery or on one of his workshops. I regret that I never told him via letter
or e-mail how much he helped and influenced my own photography.
Grace and Peace to all who knew the Rowells and appreciated their work.
Jim Doty, Jr